How to Fix Error 0xce9 on Windows 10.

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Error code 0xc00000e9 windows 10 fix free download


Long-time Windows users are aware that most Windows errors occur once you've booted the computer. But, some errors may appear during the boot process and after logging in as well.

A corrupted system file can also cause this error. The first step you should take when trying to diagnose this error is to ensure that all hardware is properly connected. Check for any damaged ports or loosely connected hardware. There are multiple ways to check whether the 0xce9 error is caused by a hardware malfunction:.

Most errors in Windows can be traced back to an outdated or unstable driver. So, it's essential to keep these drivers updated.

While outdated drivers usually cause driver malfunctions, it is also possible that a new driver update has some compatibility issues with Windows. If the error appeared after you updated the system drivers or downloaded a Windows update, it might be worth your while to roll back those changes and check for the error again. Sometimes, Windows files can get corrupted due to malware or third-party applications.

Fortunately, there are quite a few in-built utilities that can automatically detect and fix these files. Running both these utilities is the best way to ensure your computer is working in its ideal state. This is an advanced troubleshooting method that should be used when none of the aforementioned methods work. This results in many booting errors, including the 0xe9 error. If you're using a properly configured Windows Defender or third-party antivirus software, it is unlikely that your computer has been infected by malware.

However, if none of the methods outlined above are helping, it is advisable to scan your computer for malware. While the process is different for every third-party antivirus solution, in most cases, you can just right-click on the antivirus icon in the system tray and click on Scan.

Frequent blue screen errors can also be a sign of a failing hard drive. It's better to catch these symptoms early so that you can back up your data. Is your hard drive going bad? Here are some simple ways to check whether your hard drive is failing and how to save or recover your data when it is. Manuviraj is a Features Writer at MakeUseOf and has been writing about video games and technology for over two years.

He is an avid gamer who also spends his free time burning through his favourite music albums and reading. Luckily, there are multiple ways to fix this error on your PC: 1. Check the Hardware The first step you should take when trying to diagnose this error is to ensure that all hardware is properly connected. There are multiple ways to check whether the 0xce9 error is caused by a hardware malfunction: Disconnect all peripherals such as mice, keyboards, speakers, and scanners from your PC.

Now, try and boot your computer as you normally would. If the error persists, then a software issue or improper configuration could be the reason. If you're comfortable dealing with the internal components of your computer, try re-slotting your graphics card, RAM, and storage drive. If your mouse or keyboard came with companion software, uninstall it and check if the error persists. Share Share Tweet Email. Manuviraj Godara Articles Published. Subscribe To Our Newsletter Join our newsletter for tech tips, reviews, free ebooks, and exclusive deals!

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